- Mátyás Sándor, head teacher
Email: sandor-dot-matyas-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): IT – Chemistry
————– - Andrea Szikra, deputy head teacher
Email: szikra-dot-andrea-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): History – library
————– - Ferenc Péringer, deputy head teacher
Email: peringer-dot-ferenc-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): IT – Geography – PE
- Kornél Bakos
Email: bakos-dot-kornel-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Studying Strategies – dormitory teacher
————— - Ágnes Boros
Email: boros-dot-agnes-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): IT – Physics
Other: head of the PE-IT teaching committee; system administrator
————– - Ágnes Burján
Email: burjan-dot-agnes-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Hungarian – German
————– - Csanád Csikós
Subject(s): English
Email: csikos-dot-csanad-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
————– - Aranka Doviscsákné Jakab
Subject(s): English
Email: doviscsakne-dot-jakab-dot-aranka-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Other: form teacher (9.Ny/A); head of the English-German teaching committee
————– - Attila Ernst (away)
Email: ernst-dot-attila-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): PE – German
————– - Péter Gódány
Email: godany-dot-peter-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Hungarian – German
Other: form teacher (12.C); head of the teaching committee of Hungarian Grammar and Literature, History, Social Studies, Human Studies and Ethics, Philosophy, Moving Picture and Media Studies, Studying Strategies, Drawing and Visual Culture, Arts, Singing and Music
- Gabriella Gurinné Suba
Email: gurinne-dot-suba-dot-gabriella-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): English – Hungarian – History
————– - Nikoletta Heinbach
Email: heinbach-dot-nikoletta-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): IT
Other: form teacher (11.C); head of the teaching committee of form teachers
————– - Gábor Kacsinecz
Email: kacsinecz-dot-gabor-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Biology – dormitory teacher
————– - András Kerekes
Email: kerekes-dot-andras-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): History – Geography
————– - Gertrúd Kochné Kovács
Email: kochne-dot-kovacs-getrud-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): English
————– - Ilona Anna Nánási-Cseri
Email: nanasi-dot-cseri-dot-ilona-dot-anna-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): English
————– - Antónia Oroszné Kádár
Email: oroszne-dot-kadar-dot-antonia-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): German
Other: form teacher (10.A)
————– - Nándor Palotai
Email: palotai-dot-nandor-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): PE
Other: form teacher (9.Ny/B)
————– - Anna Dr. Péterné Zagyi
Email: peterne-dot-zagyi-anna-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Maths
————– - Tamás Rapatyi
Email: rapatyi-dot-tamas-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): PE
————– - Petra Ruppert
Email: ruppert-dot-petra-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): German
Other: form teacher (11.A)
————– - András Szabó
Email: szabo-dot-andras-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): History – dormitory teacher
————– - Adrienn Szakácsné Krebsz
Email: szakacsne-dot-krebsz-adrienn-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): German
————– - Szilvia Tókáné Lengyel
Email: tokane-dot-lengyel-dot-szilvia-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): IT – library
Other: librarian
————– - Ivett Vati-Pálfi
Email: vati-dot-palfi-dot-ivett-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): PE
Other: form teacher (10.C)
————– - Beáta Katalin Váradiné Paska
Email: varadine-dot-paska-dot-beata-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Maths – Physics
————– - Gabriella Várkonyi
Email: varkonyi-dot-gabriella-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Physics – Chemistry
Other: form teacher (9.C)
————– - Balázs Végh
Email: vegh-dot-balazs-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): English – German
Other: form teacher (9.A)
————– - Orsolya Vigh-Krupla
Email: vigh-dot-krupla-dot-orsolya-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): German
Other: form teacher (9.B), teacher assisting the students’ council
————– - Éva Vinklerné Csermely
Email: vinklerne-dot-csermely-dot-eva-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Maths – German
Other: head of the teaching committee of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography
————– - Róbert Vörös
Email: voros-dot-robert-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): dormitory teacher
Guest teachers
- Péter Szitás
Email: szitas-dot-peter-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
Subject(s): Drawing, Arts
————– - Zsuzsanna Tóth
Subject(s): Hungarian – Singing and Music
- Barbara Mária Franyó
Email: franyo-dot-barbara-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
————– - Andrásné Marosváry
Email: marosvary-dot-andrasne-at-noszlopy-dot-hu
————– - Andrea Várhelyiné Béday
Email: varhelyine-dot-beday-dot-andrea-at-noszlopy-dot-hu